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March 18, 2010

Test Results :: Tongue Pink

1 - Plain, 2 - Reduced, 3 - w/ Silver foil, 4 - w/ Silver foil - reduced & encased, 5 - w/ TerraNova2 frit, 6 - w/ Elektra frit, 7 - As a floral - over Clear & Swamp Moss, 8 - w/ Vetrofond Black, 9 - w/ Copper Green, 10 - w/ Opal Yellow, 11 - w/ Ivory

General Impressions
Oh, what to say.  I didn't have a great Effetre Tongue Pink experience. I don't think I like it. I like pinks that cooperate with silver (Oh Seashell Swirl, how I missed you on Saturday!), not gunk it up. But at the same time, some of these reactions are sort of interesting, and if I'd been planning for them I might have been able to deal with them more effectively when it was time to make my 'fun beads'.

I didn't have much luck at all striking my sad batch of Tongue Pink, but I know from experience that there are batches of this colour out there that are actually nice, so it's hard to write it off as a colour completely.  Some of the reactions are truly bizarre.

In general, Tongue Pink behaves more like an ivory than it does like a pink.  Its reactions with silver and Copper Green are similar but different to what Ivory does with those elements.

Tongue Pink goes dark brown when it has silver on it.  (Beads #3 & #4)  I'm sort of tempted to try some Silvered Tongue Pink Stringer with some of the Tongue Pink I have left, just for kicks.

Silver Glass and Tongue Pink don't get on so well. (Beads #5 & #6) The reduced Elektra bead looks nicer than the TerraNova2, but let's be honest, they both look awful.  I won't be using a lot of Tongue Pink under silver glasses now that I know.

There is no noticeable reaction between Tongue Pink and Vetrofond Black. (Bead #8)  There's no reaction between Tongue Pink and Ivory either, but I'm not showing that picture because it's sort of grainy, so I'm telling you about it here.

There is a very subtle dark line reaction between Tongue Pink and Copper Green. (Bead #9)  This is also one of the only beads where the Tongue Pink showed any inclination whatsoever to be pink.

There is a less subtle dark line reaction between Tongue Pink and Opal Yellow. (Bead #10) Plus, the bead looks sort of dirty and fouled. This is the other test bead where I actually got some pink.

I'm not a veteran user of Opal Yellow, but I want to learn more about it so I've added it to the set of staples I am using to test with.  I have never seen Opal Yellow behave this way before, and I'm sort of intrigued, but possibly it's just because Opal Yellow and I haven't been properly introduced yet.

Here are the 'fun beads' I made with Tongue Pink, although they were made slightly less fun by how not-nice they turned out.


Ugh, ugh, ugh!

Bet you can't tell how I feel about Tongue Pink.  In fact, I know you can't, because the distaste I have for all of these beads I've made with it is sort of too complex and huge to really describe with mere words. Even words as effective and succinct as 'ugh!'.

I only have two rods left, and I really hope that if I ever buy this colour again I get a nicer batch of it because the one I'm using up is hideous. I know it can be nicer, because here is one of my first beads, ever, from July 2008. I need to trot this one out because the difference in the colour of the Tongue Pink is really amazing:

In any case, the moral is that you really need to try it for yourself, but if you find yourself with Tongue Pink that won't strike to pink no matter what you do with it, just pretend it's white, use it for flower petals and move on.

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